Business owners we have to remember why we started in business and that initial excitement and joy when it all started. Everyone has different reasons why they started.
We all know there is problems daily in business whether it be personal problems, equipment problems, customer problems, rising equipment costs, cash flow problems or higher interest rates.
That is all the more reason to reconnect with your inner child namely that excitement, happiness, creativity, sense of adventure and most of all no limitations that we had as a kid until someone placed them on us with some negative comment that we carry forward and may not even be aware of.
I have a lot of conversations with business owners and others about financing and life. We all get drained from the day-to-day life of owning a company.
That is why we need balance. Take your significant other on a date night, take the kids to the zoo, colour, meditate whatever resonates with you but it will have a positive impact in your life and your family’s life thus helping you in business.
That is why I have decided to try and bring that joy back with a different marketing campaign with an approach I haven’t saw before.
Equipment Capital Corp believes in doing things differently and our way. I would rather lose a deal speaking my truth than losing my integrity or myself. ECC builds relationships beyond a deal.
I am open to have conversations about how we can help eliminate stress with financing, find cost savings or life in general. I don’t profess to know it all, but I know we have to help others succeed in life and business, to become before versions of ourselves.
I am open to connect, reach out about equipment financing or if you prefer to talk about life that works as well as that is how we grow. Reach me at 403.710.5847
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