Finished off another busy week with a bunch more approvals, more fundings and more deals in the works at various stages.
Another successful month of 100% approval ratio.
A busy end to an always very strong April with a few more days to increase those numbers. The growth will continue in May and June with May starting off strong.
We have a number of pre-approvals for the upcoming massive auction next week. Let’s hope our clients are successful at the sale.
Don’t worry we can still get you an auction pre-approval if needed.
April is always a crazy month but I love helping my amazing clients grow their businesses. Feels great helping clients get what they need.
I express my sincere gratitude for all our clients. I am blessed to have such an amazing client base. ECC continued adding new clients to our growing list of satisfied clients this month.
I love the ECC industry niche in the marketplace.
We are always looking for new referral sources. Reach out if you are a professional looking for a source or you are vendor needing assistance for your customers.
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