Recent Auction Sale Funding
Financed this 2005 Kenworth C500B Tanker Truck and a 2013 Kenworth T800 Tanker Truck. This package was purchased by same client that was posted yesterday.
We always aim to structure the best possible deal which at times means splitting up deals between multiple lenders. This allows quicker transactions from approval to funding thus the equipment is making money faster.
We also provide a complete package back to the client with: lease documents, insurance, invoice, payment slip and of course an amortization schedule thus making their own accounting easier and having what they need for their external accountant at year end time. ECC is here to make your life easier.
Do you have upcoming equipment purchase? There is an upcoming auction that we can get you a pre-approval for? Give Luke Loran a call at 403.710.5847 to discuss your needs today.
Equipment Capital Corp providing real solutions that work for you. Reach out to find out how easy financing can be.
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